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description => 'C3是d&b C4系统的号角加载线阵列模块。C3的水平覆盖为35°(900 Hz以上),每个箱体垂直高频覆盖为5°,用于建造垂直声柱,产生弯曲的相干波前
MAN CF4螺柱板吊挂点。顶部和底部设有固定选配木质保护盖的配件,后面板上装有棘轮带引导板、两个铰链板和四个重型滚轮。' (212 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p class="b_list__item">有源两分频模式音箱</p><ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li
class="b_list__item">2 x10"/3 x 1,3”部件;</li><li class="b_list__item">35
° x 5°覆盖;</li><li class="b_list__item">最大声压级 144dB</li> </ul>' (213 chars)
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° x 5°覆盖;</li><li class="b_list__item">最大声压级 144dB</li> </ul>' (213 chars)
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loaded line array module for the d&b C4 system. With a horizontal disper
sion of 35\u00b0 (above 900 Hz) and a 5\u00b0 vertical HF dispersion per cab
inet, the C3 is used to build vertical columns producing a curved coherent w
avefront to provide sufficient mid and high frequencies in distant listening
positions. It is totally compatible with C4 loudspeakers utilizing an ident
ical cabinet shape and rigging accessories. The C3 cabinet is constructed fr
om marine plywood and has an impact resistant paint finish, steel handles an
d MAN CF4 stud plate rigging points. There are fittings at the top and botto
m for securing an optional wooden lid, and mounted on the rear panel are rat
chet strap guide plates, two hinge plates and four heavy duty wheels.","seo_
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\"\/3 x 1,3\"<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">Dispersion 35\u00b0 x 5\u00
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t\"> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">Components 2 x10\"\/3 x 1,3\"<\/li> \t<li
class=\"b_list__item\">Dispersion 35\u00b0 x 5\u00b0<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_l
ist__item\">SPLmax 144 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","TSconfig":null,"php_tree_stop":0,"e
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description => 'The C3 is the hornloaded line array module for the d&b C4 system. With a
horizontal dispersion of 35° (above 900 Hz) and a 5° vertical HF dispersion
per cabinet, the C3 is used to build vertical columns producing a curved co
herent wavefront to provide sufficient mid and high frequencies in distant l
istening positions. It is totally compatible with C4 loudspeakers utilizing
an identical cabinet shape and rigging accessories. The C3 cabinet is constr
ucted from marine plywood and has an impact resistant paint finish, steel ha
ndles and MAN CF4 stud plate rigging points. There are fittings at the top a
nd bottom for securing an optional wooden lid, and mounted on the rear panel
are ratchet strap guide plates, two hinge plates and four heavy duty wheels
.' (761 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p class="b_list__item">2-way active loudspeaker</p>
<ul class="b_list b_li
st--bullet"> <li class="b_list__item">Components 2 x10"/3 x 1,3"</li> <li
class="b_list__item">Dispersion 35° x 5°</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPLm
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class="b_list__item">Dispersion 35° x 5°</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPLm
ax 144 dB</li> </ul>' (248 chars)
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description => 'C4-TOP是一款同轴号角加载中频/高频音箱,其窄覆盖特性为35°x 35°(700 Hz以上),允许在非常高的声压级条件下进行远距离清晰音响再现。这种
将声音聚焦成窄束的方法在声临界情况下特别适用。C4-TOP音箱箱体由船用胶合板制成,采用防撞漆面,顶部装有多个钢制把手和MAN CF4螺柱板吊挂点。音箱
箱体前部设有在顶部和底部固定选配木质保护盖的固定装置,后面板上装有棘轮带引导板、两个铰链板和四个重型滚轮。' (205 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p>两分频号角负载音箱</p><ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li class="b_list__item">
12"/2”部件;</li><li class="b_list__item">35° x 35°覆盖;</li><li class="b_li
st__item">最大声压级 140dB</li> </ul>' (184 chars)
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12"/2”部件;</li><li class="b_list__item">35° x 35°覆盖;</li><li class="b_li
st__item">最大声压级 140dB</li> </ul>' (184 chars)
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is a coaxial hornloaded mid \/ high frequency loudspeaker and its narrow di
spersion characteristics of 35\u00b0 x 35\u00b0 above 700 Hz allow for clear
and intelligible sound reproduction over long distances at very high SPLs.
This focusing of sound into a narrow beam is of special benefit in acoustica
lly critical situations. The C4-TOP cabinet is constructed from marine plywo
od and has an impact resistant paint finish, steel handles and MAN CF4 stud
plate rigging points. The front of the loudspeaker cabinet is fitted with ca
tches at the top and bottom for securing an optional wooden lid, and mounted
on the rear panel are ratchet strap guide plates, two hinge plates and four
heavy duty wheels.","seo_title":"C4-TOP loudspeaker | d&b audiotechnik","db
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u00b0<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">SPLmax 140 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","db_pag
es_products_detailview_backlinktext":"Show all heritage products","tx_dbaudi
o_teasertitle":"C4-TOP loudspeaker","tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription":"<p>2-way
hornloaded loudspeaker<\/p>\r\n<ul class=\"b_list b_list--bullet\"> \t<li c
lass=\"b_list__item\">Components 12\"\/2\"<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\
">Dispersion 35\u00b0 x 35\u00b0<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">SPLmax 1
40 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","TSconfig":null,"php_tree_stop":0,"editlock":0,"layout":
con":0,"tx_dbaudio_filte...' (3020 chars)
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title => 'C4-TOP loudspeaker' (18 chars)
doktype => 100 (integer)
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description => 'The C4-TOP is a coaxial hornloaded mid / high frequency loudspeaker and its
narrow dispersion characteristics of 35° x 35° above 700 Hz allow for clear
and intelligible sound reproduction over long distances at very high SPLs. T
his focusing of sound into a narrow beam is of special benefit in acoustical
ly critical situations. The C4-TOP cabinet is constructed from marine plywoo
d and has an impact resistant paint finish, steel handles and MAN CF4 stud p
late rigging points. The front of the loudspeaker cabinet is fitted with cat
ches at the top and bottom for securing an optional wooden lid, and mounted
on the rear panel are ratchet strap guide plates, two hinge plates and four
heavy duty wheels.' (702 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p>2-way hornloaded loudspeaker</p>
<ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li
class="b_list__item">Components 12"/2"</li> <li class="b_list__item">Dispe
rsion 35° x 35°</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPLmax 140 dB</li> </ul>' (223 chars)
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<ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li
class="b_list__item">Components 12"/2"</li> <li class="b_list__item">Dispe
rsion 35° x 35°</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPLmax 140 dB</li> </ul>' (223 chars)
db_pages_products_detailview_backlinktext => 'Show all heritage products' (26 chars)
db_pages_products_detailview_backlinktarget => 't3://page?uid=19' (16 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_product_downloadcodes => 'APC4TOP' (7 chars)
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description => 'C4-SUB是一款带通超低频音箱,音质丰富而有力,专为C4-TOP而设计,并将C4频率响应向下扩展至50 Hz。其箱体形状、尺寸和吊挂布置与C3和C4-
TOP完全兼容。C4-SUB音箱箱体由船用胶合板制成,采用防撞漆面,顶部装有多个钢制把手和MAN CF4螺柱板吊挂点。顶部和底部设有固定选配木质保护盖的
配件,后面板上装有棘轮带引导板、两个铰链板和四个重型滚轮。' (181 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p class="b_list__item">双带通超低频音箱</p><ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li c
lass="b_list__item">18"部件</li> <li class="b_list__item">最大声压级 135dB</li
> </ul>' (159 chars)
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db_pages_products_detailview_title => '' (0 chars)
db_pages_products_detailview_description => '<p class="b_list__item">双带通超低频音箱</p><ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li c
lass="b_list__item">18"部件</li> <li class="b_list__item">最大声压级 135dB</li
> </ul>' (159 chars)
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bandpass subwoofer with a rich, punchy sound, specifically designed to match
the C4-TOP and extend the C4 frequency response down to 50 Hz. Its cabinet
shape, size and flying arrangements are totally compatible with the C3 and C
4-TOP. The C4-SUB cabinet is constructed from marine plywood and has an impa
ct resistant paint finish, steel handles and MAN CF4 stud plate rigging poin
ts. There are fittings at the top and bottom for securing an optional wooden
lid, and mounted on the rear panel are ratchet strap guide plates, two hing
e plates and four heavy duty wheels.","seo_title":"C4 subwoofer | d&b audiot
echnik","db_pages_products_detailview_description":"<p class=\"b_list__item\
">Double band pass subwoofer<\/p>\r\n<ul class=\"b_list b_list--bullet\"> \t
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">SPLmax 135 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","db_pages_products_detailview_backlinktext":"S
how all heritage products","tx_dbaudio_teasertitle":"C4 subwoofer","tx_dbaud
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\/p>\r\n<ul class=\"b_list b_list--bullet\"> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">Co
mponents 18\"<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">SPLmax 135 dB<\/li> <\/ul>"
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description => 'The C4-SUB is a bandpass subwoofer with a rich, punchy sound, specifically d
esigned to match the C4-TOP and extend the C4 frequency response down to 50
Hz. Its cabinet shape, size and flying arrangements are totally compatible w
ith the C3 and C4-TOP. The C4-SUB cabinet is constructed from marine plywood
and has an impact resistant paint finish, steel handles and MAN CF4 stud pl
ate rigging points. There are fittings at the top and bottom for securing an
optional wooden lid, and mounted on the rear panel are ratchet strap guide
plates, two hinge plates and four heavy duty wheels.' (584 chars)
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ist__item">SPLmax 135 dB</li> </ul>' (187 chars)
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船用胶合板制成,采用防撞漆面,顶部装有钢制把手板,底部设有四个M10螺纹孔,底部设置一个承座,用于承载一个音箱架。' (209 chars)
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dB</li> </ul>' (89 chars)
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dB</li> </ul>' (89 chars)
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l10n_diffsource => '{"title":"C6 loudspeaker","nav_title":"C6","description":"The C6 is a full r
ange, 2-way bass-reflex cabinet that has natural sound, high efficiency and
a compact size providing an excellent small PA system. Its constant directiv
ity in the medium and high frequency range, arrayability and mounting possib
ilities make it an ideal system both in mobile applications and installation
s. The angled rear side panels of the cabinet allow C6 cabinets to be simply
placed side by side forming a powerful array with accurate 60\u00b0 horizon
tal coverage per loudspeaker. The C6 cabinet is constructed from marine plyw
ood, has an impact resistant paint finish, steel handle plates on the top an
d bottom each with four M10 threaded inserts, and on the bottom a socket to
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gh efficiency and a compact size providing an excellent small PA system. Its
constant directivity in the medium and high frequency range, arrayability a
nd mounting possibilities make it an ideal system both in mobile application
s and installations. The angled rear side panels of the cabinet allow C6 cab
inets to be simply placed side by side forming a powerful array with accurat
e 60° horizontal coverage per loudspeaker. The C6 cabinet is constructed fro
m marine plywood, has an impact resistant paint finish, steel handle plates
on the top and bottom each with four M10 threaded inserts, and on the bottom
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side forming a powerful array with accurate 90° horizontal coverage per lou
dspeaker. The C690 cabinet is constructed from marine plywood, has an impact
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description => 'C7-TOP是一款两分频号角负载音箱,在600 Hz的频率上呈现真正的恒定指向性,确保覆盖区域内音响效果均匀分布。低端低音反射式设计使C7-TOP在使用
UB堆叠组合。C7-TOP音箱箱体由船用胶合板制成,采用防撞漆面,顶部装有多个钢制把手和MAN CF4螺柱板吊挂点。音箱前部设有在顶部和底部固定选配木质
保护盖的固定装置,后面板上装有棘轮带引导板、两个铰链板和四个重型滚轮。' (263 chars)
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ot;/1.5"部件;</li><li class="b_list__item">75° x 40°覆盖;</li><li class="b_
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is a 2-way horn loaded loudspeaker that exhibits true constant directivity
above a frequency of 600 Hz, ensuring equal sound within the coverage area.
The bass-reflex design of the low end allows the C7-TOP to be used without a
subwoofer, and with its medium to high sound pressure levels and extended d
irectivity it is ideal for balcony or stadium sound reinforcement, delay and
background music playback. Where a more powerful PA system is required a C7
-TOP can be stacked with two C7-SUBs. The C7-TOP cabinet is constructed from
marine plywood, has an impact resistant paint finish, steel handles and MAN
CF4 stud plate rigging points. The front of the loudspeaker cabinet is fitt
ed with catches at the top and bottom for securing an optional wooden lid, a
nd mounted on the rear panel are ratchet strap guide plates, two hinge plate
s and four heavy duty wheels.","seo_title":"C7-TOP loudspeaker | d&b audiote
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<\/p>\r\n<ul class=\"b_list b_list--bullet\"> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">C
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x 40\u00b0<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">SPLmax 138 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","
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>Full range loudspeaker<\/p>\r\n<ul class=\"b_list b_list--bullet\"> \t<li c
lass=\"b_list__item\">Components 15\"\/1.5\"<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__ite
m\">Dispersion 75\u00b0 x 40\u00b0<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">SPLmax
138 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","TSconfig":null,"php_tree_stop":0,"editlock":0,"layout
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title => 'C7-TOP loudspeaker' (18 chars)
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description => 'The C7-TOP is a 2-way horn loaded loudspeaker that exhibits true constant di
rectivity above a frequency of 600 Hz, ensuring equal sound within the cover
age area. The bass-reflex design of the low end allows the C7-TOP to be used
without a subwoofer, and with its medium to high sound pressure levels and
extended directivity it is ideal for balcony or stadium sound reinforcement,
delay and background music playback. Where a more powerful PA system is req
uired a C7-TOP can be stacked with two C7-SUBs. The C7-TOP cabinet is constr
ucted from marine plywood, has an impact resistant paint finish, steel handl
es and MAN CF4 stud plate rigging points. The front of the loudspeaker cabin
et is fitted with catches at the top and bottom for securing an optional woo
den lid, and mounted on the rear panel are ratchet strap guide plates, two h
inge plates and four heavy duty wheels.' (875 chars)
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<ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li class
="b_list__item">Components 15"/1.5"</li> <li class="b_list__item">Dispersio
n 75° x 40°</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPLmax 138 dB</li> </ul>' (219 chars)
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n 75° x 40°</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPLmax 138 dB</li> </ul>' (219 chars)
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description => 'C7-SUB是一款专门为C7-TOP设计的低音反射式超低频音箱,以紧凑的全音响和高效率实现具有高脉冲程序的动态性能。超大的低音反射通道保证了较高的声压级
音箱箱体前部设有在顶部和底部固定选配木质保护盖的固定装置,后面板上装有棘轮带引导板、两个铰链板和四个重型滚轮。' (207 chars)
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>18"部件</li> <li class="b_list__item">最大声压级 135dB</li> </ul>' (140 chars)
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efficiency. Its extra large bass-reflex tunnel guarantees high sound pressu
re while minimizing power compression and air turbulence noise. The C7-SUB c
abinet is constructed from marine plywood and has an impact resistant paint
finish, steel handles and an M20 threaded flange on the top to accept a loud
speaker stand. The front of the subwoofer cabinet is fitted with catches at
the top and bottom for securing an optional wooden lid, and mounted on the r
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\n<ul class=\"b_list b_list--bullet\"> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">Componen
ts 18\"<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">SPLmax 135 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","TSco
r_name":"C7-SUB","tx_dba...' (2843 chars)
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title => 'C7 subwoofer' (12 chars)
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description => 'The C7-SUB is a bass-reflex subwoofer specifically designed for use with the
C7-TOP providing dynamic performance with high impulse program, a tight ful
l sound and high efficiency. Its extra large bass-reflex tunnel guarantees h
igh sound pressure while minimizing power compression and air turbulence noi
se. The C7-SUB cabinet is constructed from marine plywood and has an impact
resistant paint finish, steel handles and an M20 threaded flange on the top
to accept a loudspeaker stand. The front of the subwoofer cabinet is fitted
with catches at the top and bottom for securing an optional wooden lid, and
mounted on the rear panel are ratchet strap guide plates, two hinge plates a
nd four heavy duty wheels.' (710 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p>Bass-reflex subwoofer</p>
<ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li class=
"b_list__item">Components 18"</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPLmax 135 dB</
li> </ul>' (161 chars)
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<ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li class=
"b_list__item">Components 18"</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPLmax 135 dB</
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description => 'B2超低频音箱采用高输出带通号角设计和极高的声压级,是扩展低音要求的理想选择。它可以配置为C4系统超低音,或配置为F1222或C7系统的高输出替代超低频
在侧面固定选配木质保护盖的固定装置,后部装有四个重型滚轮。' (181 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p class="b_list__item">双带通超低频音箱</p><ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li c
lass="b_list__item">2 x 18"</li> <li class="b_list__item">最大声压级 139dB</
li> </ul>' (161 chars)
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db_pages_products_detailview_description => '<p class="b_list__item">双带通超低频音箱</p><ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li c
lass="b_list__item">2 x 18"</li> <li class="b_list__item">最大声压级 139dB</
li> </ul>' (161 chars)
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with its high output bandpass horn design and extremely high SPL is ideal f
or extended bass requirements. It is configurable to be either an infrabass
for the C4 system or a high output, alternative subwoofer for the F1222 or C
7 systems. When used with a C4 system, d&b recommend a ratio of four C4-
SUBs to one B2. The B2 cabinet is constructed from marine plywood, has an im
pact resistant paint finish and eight integral steel handles. The front of t
he subwoofer cabinet is fitted with catches at the sides for securing an opt
ional wooden lid, and mounted on the rear are four heavy duty wheels.","seo_
title":"B2 subwoofer | d&b audiotechnik","db_pages_products_detailview_descr
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ass=\"b_list b_list--bullet\"> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">Components 2 x 1
8\"<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">SPLmax 139 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","db_pages
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et\"> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">Components 2 x 18\"<\/li> \t<li class=\"b
_list__item\">SPLmax 139 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","TSconfig":null,"php_tree_stop":0,
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title => 'B2 subwoofer' (12 chars)
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description => 'The B2 subwoofer with its high output bandpass horn design and extremely hig
h SPL is ideal for extended bass requirements. It is configurable to be eith
er an infrabass for the C4 system or a high output, alternative subwoofer fo
r the F1222 or C7 systems. When used with a C4 system, d&b recommend a r
atio of four C4-SUBs to one B2. The B2 cabinet is constructed from marine pl
ywood, has an impact resistant paint finish and eight integral steel handles
. The front of the subwoofer cabinet is fitted with catches at the sides for
securing an optional wooden lid, and mounted on the rear are four heavy dut
y wheels.' (617 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p class="b_list__item">Double band pass subwoofer</p>
<ul class="b_list b_
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"b_list__item">SPLmax 139 dB</li> </ul>' (191 chars)
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"b_list__item">SPLmax 139 dB</li> </ul>' (191 chars)
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description => 'Ch4音箱是Ci4-TOP (C4-TOP)音箱的框架版。它在声学数据和系统放大方面与相应的Ci4-TOP (C4-TOP)相兼容,仅在机械结构上有所不
同。Ch4由漆面玻璃纤维增强塑料(GRP)制成。Ch4重量约31kg/68磅,标配两个NL4接插件。' (126 chars)
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>12"/2”部件;</li><li class="b_list__item">35° x 35°覆盖;</li><li class="b_l
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P (C4-TOP), differing only in the mechanical construction. The Ch4 is constr
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ker. It is compatible in acoustical data and system amplification with the r
espective Ci4-TOP (C4-TOP), differing only in the mechanical construction. T
he Ch4 is constructed from paint finished fibreglass reinforced plastic (GRP
). The Ch4 weighs approximately 31 kg / 68 lb and is fitted with two NL4 con
nectors as standard.' (400 chars)
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editlock => 0 (integer)
crdate => 1595961524 (integer)
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title => 'Ci3音箱' (5 chars)
doktype => 100 (integer)
TSconfig => NULL
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keywords => NULL
cache_timeout => 0 (integer)
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description => 'Ci3是C3音箱的安装版。它是声学兼容的标准道路版本,不同之处仅在于箱体结构和安装硬件。Ci3是一个号角负载线阵列模块,水平覆盖35°(900 Hz以上
颜色(SC),且不受天气影响(WR)。' (247 chars)
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SYS_LASTCHANGED => 1726154698 (integer)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p class="b_list__item">有源两分频模式音箱</p><ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li
class="b_list__item">2 x 10"/3 x 1,3”部件;</li><li class="b_list__item">3
5° x 5°覆盖;</li><li class="b_list__item">最大声压级 144dB</li> </ul>' (214 chars)
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db_pages_products_detailview_description => '<p class="b_list__item">有源两分频模式音箱</p><ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li
class="b_list__item">2 x 10"/3 x 1,3”部件;</li><li class="b_list__item">3
5° x 5°覆盖;</li><li class="b_list__item">最大声压级 144dB</li> </ul>' (214 chars)
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nstallation version of the C3 loudspeaker. It is acoustically compatible wit
h the standard road version, differing only in cabinet construction and moun
ting hardware. The Ci3 is a hornloaded line array module, with a horizontal
dispersion of 35\u00b0 (above 900 Hz) and a 5\u00b0 vertical HF dispersion p
er cabinet. It is used to build vertical columns producing a curved coherent
wavefront. The Ci3 cabinet is constructed from marine plywood with an impac
t resistant paint finish. The front of the mid range section of the loudspea
ker cabinet is protected by a rigid metal grill fitted with an acoustically
transparent foam, and the HF section is fitted with a foam block in the horn
throat. Four M12 and four M16 threaded inserts are provided for attaching i
nstallation hardware. The cabinet rear panel is fitted with a single NL4 con
nector. The loudspeaker cabinet is also available in Special Colour (SC) and
Weather Resistant (WR) options.","seo_title":"C6 Lautsprecher | d&b audiote
chnik","db_pages_products_detailview_description":"<p class=\"b_list__item\"
>2-way active loudspeaker<\/p>\r\n<ul class=\"b_list b_list--bullet\"> \t<li
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_list__item\">Dispersion 35\u00b0 x 5\u00b0<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item
\">SPLmax 144 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","db_pages_products_detailview_backlinktext":"
Show all heritage products","tx_dbaudio_teasertitle":"Ci3 loudspeaker","tx_d
baudio_teaserdescription":"<p class=\"b_list__item\">2-way active loudspeake
r<\/p>\r\n<ul class=\"b_list b_list--bullet\"> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">
Components 2 x 10\"\/3 x 1,3\"<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">Dispersion
35\u00b0 x 5\u00b0<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">SPLmax 144 dB<\/li> <
":"","mount_pid":0,"is_s...' (3308 chars)
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uid => 188 (integer)
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t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer)
t3ver_state => 0 (integer)
t3ver_stage => 0 (integer)
t3_origuid => 0 (integer)
tstamp => 1556023885 (integer)
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perms_userid => 1 (integer)
perms_groupid => 12 (integer)
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perms_group => 31 (integer)
perms_everybody => 1 (integer)
editlock => 0 (integer)
crdate => 1504872560 (integer)
cruser_id => 1 (integer)
hidden => 0 (integer)
title => 'Ci3 loudspeaker' (15 chars)
doktype => 100 (integer)
TSconfig => NULL
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php_tree_stop => 0 (integer)
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fe_group => '' (0 chars)
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media => 0 (integer)
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keywords => NULL
cache_timeout => 0 (integer)
cache_tags => '' (0 chars)
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description => 'The Ci3 is the installation version of the C3 loudspeaker. It is acousticall
y compatible with the standard road version, differing only in cabinet const
ruction and mounting hardware. The Ci3 is a hornloaded line array module, wi
th a horizontal dispersion of 35° (above 900 Hz) and a 5° vertical HF disper
sion per cabinet. It is used to build vertical columns producing a curved co
herent wavefront. The Ci3 cabinet is constructed from marine plywood with an
impact resistant paint finish. The front of the mid range section of the lo
udspeaker cabinet is protected by a rigid metal grill fitted with an acousti
cally transparent foam, and the HF section is fitted with a foam block in th
e horn throat. Four M12 and four M16 threaded inserts are provided for attac
hing installation hardware. The cabinet rear panel is fitted with a single N
L4 connector. The loudspeaker cabinet is also available in Special Colour (S
C) and Weather Resistant (WR) options.' (950 chars)
no_search => 0 (integer)
SYS_LASTCHANGED => 1726154698 (integer)
abstract => NULL
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tx_dbaudio_teasertitle => 'Ci3 loudspeaker' (15 chars)
tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p class="b_list__item">2-way active loudspeaker</p>
<ul class="b_list b_li
st--bullet"> <li class="b_list__item">Components 2 x 10"/3 x 1,3"</li> <li
class="b_list__item">Dispersion 35° x 5°</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPL
max 144 dB</li> </ul>' (249 chars)
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db_pages_products_detailview_description => '<p class="b_list__item">2-way active loudspeaker</p>
<ul class="b_list b_li
st--bullet"> <li class="b_list__item">Components 2 x 10"/3 x 1,3"</li> <li
class="b_list__item">Dispersion 35° x 5°</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPL
max 144 dB</li> </ul>' (249 chars)
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db_pages_products_detailview_backlinktarget => 't3://page?uid=19' (16 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_product_dispersion => NULL
tx_dbaudio_product_driversize => NULL
tx_dbaudio_product_usage => NULL
tx_dbaudio_product_technicaldata => '10' (2 chars)
tx_dbaudio_product_downloadcodes => 'APCI3' (5 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_job_id => '' (0 chars)
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description => 'Ci4-TOP是C4-TOP音箱的安装版。它是声学兼容的标准道路版本,不同之处仅在于箱体结构和安装硬件。Ci4-TOP音箱是一款中高频音箱,使用两个恒定
指向性号角的同轴阵列。其在700 Hz以上时35°x 35°的窄覆盖特性可实现清晰可辨的音响远距离再现。Ci4-TOP音箱箱体由船用胶合板制成,设有防撞
可选用定制颜色(SC),且不受天气影响(WR)。' (252 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p>两分频号角负载音箱</p><ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li class="b_list__item">
12"/2”部件;</li><li class="b_list__item">35° x 35°覆盖;</li><li class="b_li
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12"/2”部件;</li><li class="b_list__item">35° x 35°覆盖;</li><li class="b_li
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TOP is the installation version of the C4-TOP loudspeaker. It is acousticall
y compatible with the standard road version, differing only in cabinet const
ruction and mounting hardware. The Ci4-TOP loudspeaker is a mid to high rang
e loudspeaker, which uses a coaxial array of two constant directivity horns.
Its narrow dispersion characteristics of 35\u00b0 x 35\u00b0 above 700 Hz a
llow for clear and intelligible sound reproduction over long distances. The
Ci4-TOP cabinet is constructed from marine plywood with an impact resistant
paint finish. The front of the loudspeaker cabinet is protected by a rigid m
etal grill, covered with an acoustically transparent foam. Four M12 and four
M16 threaded inserts are provided for attaching installation hardware. The
cabinet rear panel is fitted with a single NL4 connector. The loudspeaker ca
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2\"<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">Dispersion 35\u00b0 x 35\u00b0<
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\"b_list__item\">Components 12\"\/2\"<\/li> \t<li class=\"b_list__item\">Dis
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140 dB<\/li> <\/ul>","TSconfig":null,"php_tree_stop":0,"editlock":0,"layout"
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title => 'Ci4-TOP loudspeaker' (19 chars)
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description => 'The Ci4-TOP is the installation version of the C4-TOP loudspeaker. It is aco
ustically compatible with the standard road version, differing only in cabin
et construction and mounting hardware. The Ci4-TOP loudspeaker is a mid to h
igh range loudspeaker, which uses a coaxial array of two constant directivit
y horns. Its narrow dispersion characteristics of 35° x 35° above 700 Hz all
ow for clear and intelligible sound reproduction over long distances. The Ci
4-TOP cabinet is constructed from marine plywood with an impact resistant pa
int finish. The front of the loudspeaker cabinet is protected by a rigid met
al grill, covered with an acoustically transparent foam. Four M12 and four M
16 threaded inserts are provided for attaching installation hardware. The ca
binet rear panel is fitted with a single NL4 connector. The loudspeaker cabi
net is also available in Special Colour (SC) and Weather Resistant (WR) opti
ons.' (916 chars)
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tx_dbaudio_teaserdescription => '<p>2-way hornloaded loudspeaker</p>
<ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li
class="b_list__item">Components 12"/2"</li> <li class="b_list__item">Dispe
rsion 35° x 35°</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPLmax 140 dB</li> </ul
>' (229 chars)
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<ul class="b_list b_list--bullet"> <li
class="b_list__item">Components 12"/2"</li> <li class="b_list__item">Dispe
rsion 35° x 35°</li> <li class="b_list__item">SPLmax 140 dB</li> </ul
>' (229 chars)
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db_pages_products_detailview_backlinktarget => 't3://page?uid=19' (16 chars)
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