Live Measurements of Subwoofers’ Performance, JAES.

Authors: Shabalina, Elena; Kaiser, Mathias; Ramuscak, Janko; Vorländer, Michael
Publication Date: 09.04.2013

In some situations, sound measurements must be made in a space when a live audience is required to be present. For applications such as a ground-stacked array (a transducer component of a multiple component sound reinforcement system), this component cannot be excited in isolation because other transducers are also active during the concert. Two simple methods are proposed for obtaining the subwoofer’s impulse response: the desired impulse response is obtained by subtracting the separate measurements made with and without subwoofer, or a small delay is added to the subwoofers' signal such that the impulse response is then calculated from the difference with and without the delay. Both methods allow relatively fast and unobtrusive measurements of the subwoofers. Both show good repeatability.

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