Raumwelten. A new dimension of acoustics with d&b.


In November 2015, specialists in spatial communication met up for the third time in Ludwigsburg to attend the convention on Raumwelten – Platform for Scenography, Architecture and Media. The event was broken down into different categories: Business, Art & Research, Talent and Public. The event’s aim was to offer expert talks, workshops, project presentations, theatre performances, exhibitions and much more in three separate locations. The idea behind Raumwelten is to provide a forum for architecture, the media and the art of scenography. The focus lay in visionary architecture, trade fair and exhibition design, and successful brand communication.

In a departure from previous years, the emphasis of this latest event was to get more members of the public involved. A large pavilion was erected specifically for this purpose in the inner courtyard of the academy at the heart of Ludwigsburg. “It can be seen as a kind of symbol for communication in spaces. It helps make the whole idea of Raumwelten much more tangible to visitors,” states Dittmar Lumpp, co-director of Film- und Medienfestival GmbH, which organised the event. The pavilion was designed by students at the Stuttgart Technology University of Applied Sciences and the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design. Its construction is a masterful example of a structural design with no supporting framework. Overall, the pavilion covers an area measuring 200 square metres (2150 sq ft) and the whole edifice is only held in place by air circulating on the inside. The grand construction itself was enough to turn heads and attract broader public attention to the event.

To provide just the right audio effects to match, d&b was invited on board. One clear benefit was the wealth of experience offered by Ralf Zuleeg, head of Sales Services and Application Engineering, especially with respect to spatial audio applications. The d&b experts were also invited to stage a special display of spatial acoustics. “Our event manager Bella Staiber immediately struck upon the idea of getting in touch with Martyn Ware. His company, Illustrious, was the ideal partner and allowed us to be part of something very special and exciting at Raumwelten.”

Ware is probably best known to the more general public for his role as a musician with Human League or Heaven 17, or as a producer for Tina Turner. For the Raumwelten sound project, Ware went on a journey of discovery through the streets and squares of Ludwigsburg, acting as a sound collector to harvest sounds and noises. The result was an extraordinary 3D soundscape in which Ware captured the sounds that are typical of the city – an audio compilation consisting of a babbling fountain, the hustle and bustle of the weekly market, the baroque castle and the busy goings-on at a brewery.

The soundscape – SOUNDLIFE Ludwigsburg – Sounds of a City – could be heard every hour on the hour in the Raumwelten pavilion. The installation added a new dimension to the city, which is famous for its baroque castle, not just among Ludwigsburg natives but also the many visitors to the city.

The grand finale of Raumwelten came with a DJ set which was also planned by Martyn Ware. Once again, the pavilion came to life – this time through music.

For more information, go to www.raum-welten.com.

Here is a background video on the sound project organised by Martyn Ware.

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