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d&b audiotechnik Korea – an official d&b distributor.

Company description

d&b audiotechnik Korea has been representing South Korea since 1997. We supply d&b products and provide a high level of technical support.

Lighthouse projects



LG Arts Center Seoul, Seoul Arts Center, Lotte Concert Hall, KBS Hall, Gyeonggi Arts Center, Anyang Arts Center, Seongnam Atrium, Gwangju Arts Center, Baekun Art Hall, National Intangible Heritage Center, Jindo National Gugak Center, Haenam Culture & Art Center, Everland, Paradise CHROMA, CKL Stage, Hyundai Card Understage, Tri-bowl, Andong International Convention Center, Korea Baptist Theological University, Myungsung Church, Sooyoungro Church, Youngin Leading Church, Onnuri Church, Kwanglim Church, Podowon Church, Suwonsung Church, Choongshin Church


Artmix, Munhwa Sound, Soundin Global, Prix Media Systems, AFRO Sound, Hyundai Sound, Vine Sound,  FlaxNCo, Muse Company, Stomp,  Total 365, Tomato Sound, The Jin Company, Town Audio, Tone Wave System, Bear Sound, Gana Enterprise, G Sound, T Sound, Shin Sound, Rental On, Big H Production, Lead One Sound, Donald Sound

Corporate vision

Our vision is the 3 C's - Confidence, Concentration, Consistency.

Our confidence lies in d&b, our concentration is on our customers, and our consistency lies in the fact that our customers continue to work with a very stable crew of d&b audiotechnik Korea (We have one of the lowest turnover rates in the audio industry in Korea).

Fun fact

Our showroom

Our business philosophy is straightforward: we dedicate our talents and skills to building exceptional support that contributes to exceptional sound quality.

We focus on optimizing the reproduction of the original sound quality inherent in the design of the d&b solutions.

We offer training, demonstrations, installation support, education, and more, available at your convenience and location.


  • Technical Service and After Sales Support
  • Education & training
  • Design & Consulting
  • High-level system support
  • Warranty repairs
  • Spare Parts on stock
  • Demo Equipment
  • Soundscape demos
d&b audiotechnik Korea is the best partner for the perfect sound experience at LG Arts Centre!
Bum-hoon Lee, Director, LG Art Center
d&b audiotechnik Korea is the best partner for KMT systems. We have been able to succeed and create great sound with the support of d&b audiotechnik Korea on numerous projects. The world-class technology and support from d&b audiotechnik Korea always makes us happy.
Jeong-Shik Kim, CEO, KMT Systems



A-306, 97, Yeouidong-ro,
Seoul, 07324,
South Korea

Contact person

Kevin Kim

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